Which Knife to Use: Chopping and Dicing

Why are there so many different styles of knives available? Do we really need access to all of these great knives? Well I guess it isn’t exactly required to have so many knives on hand, but having the right tools can make the entire process much more fun, easier and faster! Recently we took a…

Which Knife to Use: Carving and Portioning

Why are there so many different styles of knives available? Do we really need access to all of these great knives? Well I guess it isn’t exactly required to have so many knives on hand, but having the right tools can make the entire process much more fun, easier and faster! Recently we took a…

Top 5 Recipes for National Grilled Cheese Day

It’s National Grilled Cheese Day, and what a day it is! Who doesn’t love a warm, crispy, gooey grilled cheese sandwich? The masterpiece known as the grilled cheese sandwich is more than just a slice of cheese tucked between two pieces of bread! These sandwiches can be works of delicious art. We’re going to go…

National Poultry Day

National Poultry Day is upon us, and although it is not very well-known it is still a nice way to acknowledge and celebrate an animal that can provide us with eggs and meat! To have a nice chicken dinner you’ll need some special tools! Thermometer Food-borne illnesses or food poisoning to some is just an…

Do’s and Don’ts of Knife Safety!

Cuts and lacerations are some of the most common injuries reported in restaurants and kitchen. These types of injuries can be reduced by implementing some simple strategies. Nobody likes a side of fingers with their salad! Strategies when not handling a knife. • After using a knife, clean it immediately and put it away •…

Three Chopping Methods for the Everyday Chef!

Proper knife chopping methods can be lifesaving! Okay, maybe not “lifesaving”, but I think it’s safe to say that proper knife chopping methods can be finger saving and time saving! Below in this blog I will outline the three most basic chopping methods that are widely used by some of the most experienced chef’s in…

Labor Day Long Weekend!

It’s here, the final long weekend of summer! Yes, summer did fly by and will be missed, but not forgotten. Although the weather in some areas may not feel like summer; it’s a long weekend that should be enjoyed and could be a great way to end summer with a bang! Barbecues, cottages, lakes, campfires…


A shoe that is both delicious and fashionable? The Italian sushi chef Yujia Hu has taken the internet by storm recently with his fun and creative style of sushi with a mix of NBA players’ signature sneakers. Chef Hu is creating sushi masterpieces of Yeezy, Air Jordan, Adidas, Fila and the list goes on. He posts…

Gordon Ramsay & His Brutally Honest Food Reviews

Earlier this year celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay took to twitter to hilariously roast people and their poor attempts at cooking. Chef Ramsay is no stranger from practicing the art of savagery; he is best known for his brutally honest reviews on reality television and showed no mercy to his social media friends. If you were hoping…

Cooking With Spring Vegetables

It’s that wonderful time of year again! Spring has sprung! Spring is quite an extraordinary experience. It would seem as if the whole world comes alive after the cold blistery months of winter have ended. The world that seemed so gloomy, dull and cold is once again becoming filled with color! Little did we know…

Back to School!

It’s January 10th and school is finally getting back into the swing of things.  The early morning alarms, late night studying and even a few tears during exams, but school is finally back!  This blog will be dedicated for all those aspiring chef’s beginning or continuing their education in 2017.  Below The Discriminating Chef will…

FAQ, The Turkey Survival Guide to an American Thanksgiving

The countdown is on! Thanksgiving is in T minus 3 days and the time for prep has officially begun. Now before you start inviting family and friends over, think about what you’re serving said family and friends. A thanksgiving meal is a tiresome and delicate task that requires prep and time. This blog will be…